ED Lucas Spielfogel invited to speak on COFHE panel

The panelists shed light on underserved students’ experiences that college admissions personnel may not normally be exposed to, given their position.

By Elin Hawkinson
COFHE Panelists

Executive Director Lucas Spielfogel joined a panel of national experts to discuss the role CBO partnerships play in increasing college access. Together with the CEO of QuestBridge and COO of Thrive Scholars, Lucas addressed attendees of the Consortium on Financing Higher Education’s (COFHE) Admissions Officer Retreat in June. COFHE represents 39 highly selective schools committed to meeting admitted students’ full financial need. “This was a huge opportunity to ensure COFHE knows about BRYC, and I think we left a strong impression,” Lucas said. “More importantly, it was a chance to be a mouthpiece for our Fellows in a college admissions landscape that has drastically shifted in their disfavor over the last 18 months.”